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HPE0-J74 Practice Questions
Judith M. EhlersQuestion: 1
Which software is used to assign or zone D6000 drive bays directly to an HPE BladeSystem server bay?
A. Virtual SAS Manager (VSM)
B. Selective Storage Presentation (SSP)C. Onboard Administrator (OA)D. Array configuration utility (ACU)
Answer: A
Reference: http://www8.hp.com/h20195/v2/GetPDF.aspx/c04111505.pdf
Question: 2
Which key feature of the HPE StoreVirtual arrays lets customers asynchronously replicate thin-provisioned, reservation-less snapshots between primary and remote locations?
A. space reclamation
B. Peer Motion on LeftHand storageC. LeftHand Networks Remote CopyD. adaptive optimization
Answer: C
Reference: http://www8.hp.com/h20195/v2/GetPDF.aspx%2F4AA4-4220ENW.pdf
Question: 3
You are using HPE Library and Tape Tools to document serial number and firmware versions of your customers tape infrastructure. What do you use to perform this?
A. diagnostics option
B. device into optionC. support ticket optionD. failure analysis option
Answer: B
Reference: http://www8.hp.com/us/en/products/storage-software/product-detail.html?oid=406729
Question: 4
For single files, what is a benefit of using a disk-to-disk backup solution versus a backup-to-tape solution?
A. lower cost
B. transportabilityC. increased capacityD. Taster restore
Answer: D
Question: 5
A customer wants to learn more about the HPE backup solution that you recently proposed. Which resource will help show its value?
A. HPE ActiveAnswers
B. HPE Smart PortalC. HPE SPOCKD. HPE Virtual Resource Portal
Answer: D
Question: 6
A customer requests 3 new storage solution The RTO Is measured in days. Which cost effective recovery option meet this requirements?
A. clustered HPE Storage array with backup to disks
B. highly available HPE Storage array with no backupC. standalone HPE Storage array with HPE tape backupD. redundant HPE Storage with replicated data offsite
Answer: C
Question: 7
Match the toots and resources with the features they provide.Answer:
VisioCafe = 4
HPE SAN Design Reference Guide = 1HPE Storage Sizing Tool = 3HPE Single Point of Connectivity Knowledge = 2
Question: 8
Which back up strategy requires only one backup set to completely restore a system?
A. differential backup
B. full backupC. incremental backupD. working set backup
Answer: B
Question: 9
You need to document the deduplication ratio and capacity management of a federated deduplication environment using HPE StoreOnce solutions in a company’s headquarters and branch offices. Which HPE management tool should you use?
A. HPE Data Protector Reporter
B. HPE StoreOnce Enterprise ManagerC. HPE StoreOnce OptimizerD. HPE Storage Optimizer
Answer: B
Reference: http://www8.hp.com/us/en/products/disk-backup/product-detail.html?oid=5196525
Question: 10
A customer has a Windows 2012 SQL Cluster running on HIT StoreEasy 1450 storage and wants to ensure that combined throughput of all network adapters is used on all cluster nodes together.
Which HPE StoreEasy system feature helps the customer meet this requirement?
A. Smart Pathing
B. Windows Native MPIOC. NLB TeamingD. SMB Multichannel
Answer: D
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Test Information:
Total Questions: 105Test Number: HPE0-J74Vendor Name: HPCert Name : HP ATPTest Name: Foundations of HPE Storage SolutionsOfficial Site: http://www.examkill.co.ukFor More Details: http://www.examkill.co.uk/HPE0-J74.htmlGet20% Immediate Discount on Full Training MaterialDiscount Coupon Code: 3219R86596
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