Music Science Fair Projects

Music Science Fair Projects


Jon Ginsburg

Music Science Fair Projects


Students and adults alike might be surprised that an interest in music and participation in a science fair can be combined. Music science fair projects are some of the most interesting demonstrations at the school event. Most people enjoy some style of music in their car, at home, with a personal music player, in a band, or at concert. Many people enjoy singing in a choir. What all these venues have in common is obviously music. What most participants do not realize is that there is science at work in every note they play, sing or hear! Music science fair projects offer the students and the visitors to the event to learn completely new concepts of science as they relate to music. Many of these people will leave the event with a deeper level of understanding of and appreciation for the magical science that is music! Music science fair projects are chosen by students who have a love of the universal language that we all call music. The most creative students will choose music science fair projects to investigate the various topics surrounding the production and enjoyment of music. The first category of music science fair projects will focus on different ways to produce the tones that human being consider musical. This may include an investigation of the sounds of music from different cultures. Included in this are the unique instruments found around the world. Additionally, this may investigate the rhythms that different cultures gravitate toward. These types of music science fair projects will also demonstrate the creativity of students as they develop their own mechanisms for making musical tones. The most popular of these are crystal containers filled with various depths of water. The other group of students presenting music science fair projects may focus on the effects that music has on people. Instead of examining the instruments, these students will explore the old adage that music hath charms to sooth the savage breast. There are still research studies being conducted on the soothing effects of music on various demographics of people as well as different animal and plant life. These students who present demonstrations and research findings on this data also increase everyone’s understanding and appreciation for the universal language of music.

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Music Science Fair Projects

Music Catalog Purchases

Submitted by: Corey Andalus

Working in the music industry can lead to a lucrative career whether you are an artist yourself, a producer or a distributor. Regardless of the career you have chosen, if you begin to work with music catalog purchases and collecting royalties it is highly advisable to do so with the guidance of a professional entertainment lawyer. Hiring an attorney that understands the laws surrounding music rights, distribution, royalties and even accounting can help you to stay ahead financially while keeping yourself legally protected.

Understanding Your Options

Before seeking any legal advice or assistance, understanding the options you have available when selling and distributing your music is essential. You have the option of selling music to various record labels, being paid for music placement and even distributing the music you own digitally for royalties and payments. Knowing the methods of distribution you prefer and believe is right for the style of music you are sharing will help you to find the route that is right for you to take.

How to Distribute Your Music in Music Catalogs

When you want to distribute your music within music catalogs, it is important to understand copyright laws and how to license your music if it is owned solely by you. If you do not own all of the music rights but you are trying to help another artist share their own music, working together with an attorney who specializes in entertainment can help. Drafting the proper contracts and agreements is necessary before you move forward with legally distributing music and generating profits. It is also required to have all details relating to the royalties that may be earned from the music in writing to legally bind all parties involved.


It is also important to create a marketing and promotion campaign to determine which method is best for delivering and selling the music you have. Knowing the audience you want to appeal to, the genre of your music and whether you want to distribute it locally or nationally online is a way to creating the necessary paperwork and contracts to protect you in any potential legal case or incident. Understanding how you want to earn your money and the amount of royalties you want to keep is also important before you retain an attorney to help with getting your contracts and agreements in order.

Why Hire an Entertainment Lawyer?

Hiring an entertainment lawyer is essential whether you produce and sell your own music or if you are helping other artists to distribute their work to earn a living. Lawyers who work in entertainment are familiar with the legal system and how music distribution works. Whether you are interested in manually printing copies of the music you want to sell or if you are strictly offering your music digitally, an attorney is capable of drafting proper contracts and agreements you may need between printing companies, record labels and additional distribution services who are willing to share or showcase the music you have created.

An attorney that works in the music industry is also capable of creating royalty agreements, business partnership contracts and documents that retain your rights to the music even after you have decided to begin selling it or earning money from downloads. In many cases, attorneys who work in the music industry are also familiar with the area of copyright and trademarking specific products, music itself or even a brand you have created to represent yourself as an artist or individually.

Working together with an attorney in the music industry in an ongoing basis is recommended to ensure you are always legally protected with future deals, partnerships and any business ventures you may explore. Having an attorney by your side when you are attempting to negotiate contracts and deals with music catalog services is a way to guarantee you are getting as much as possible financially for the music you are producing and sharing.

Finding the Right Entertainment Attorney

Seeking out the right entertainment attorney greatly depends on the type of protection you are looking for and whether you are a producer and artist yourself or if you are searching for a lawyer who specializes in music distribution laws and protection. You can find the right attorney by reviewing services and experience of law firms right from home, online.

Asking attorneys who specialize in entertainment about their experience, the types of services they offer and how familiar they are with the music industry will help with making a decision when you need to hire legal assistance.

About the Author: Perdomo, Klukosky and Associates are

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