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The Pros and Cons of Weight Loss Surgery
Patricia Strasser
Weight loss surgery, or more commonly known as Bariatric surgery, is a surgical procedure that is indicated for patients who have at least 100 excess pounds. Aside from plain obesity, one must have health-related risks such as hypertension, diabetes, and other similar conditions in order for surgery to be advisable and recommended. The comes in various types which range from simple implantation of a medical device to the removal of a portion of the stomach. Although proven to have produced significant long-term effects, such procedures are believed to have many side effects, which can sometimes be fatal. Before you decide to resort to weight loss surgery you need to carefully evaluate its pros and cons so you can avoid life-threatening complications. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of undergoing weight loss surgery:
Although many weight loss methods are made available, surgery is especially indicated to patients who have serious co-existing medical concerns arising from obesity. Surgery is a life-saving solution that produces substantial and lasting results due to the following reasons:
Abrupt weight loss
The main purpose of undergoing surgery is to get immediate weight reduction. Since absorption of nutrients is lessened due to either rerouting or reducing the stomach size, a lesser food intake is to be expected.
Decreased risk of associated health problems
Another indication for surgery is to decrease the chances of developing secondary medical problems, particularly hypertension and diabetes. These are the most common health issues obese people face. Based on studies, a considerable improvement has been observed on cardiovascular patients, especially a reduced mortality rate.
Faster recovery period
Medical professionals consider surgery to be simple and safe based on their experiences. In fact, patients stay in the hospital for observation for less than a week. However, this may vary depending on then person’s overall health condition.
Improved general health condition
With a lesser weight, patient feel lighter and more mobile. Endurance and general conditions are also improved, especially when regular exercise is practiced.
Just like with any other surgery, post-operative complications are common due to immobilization. The immune system is somehow affected and can cause secondary complications may arise such as:
Respiratory problems
One common respiratory condition associated with prolonged immobilization is pneumonia. Coughing may develop and causes pain at the incision area.
Deep venous thrombosis
When a patient is immobilized for a prolonged period of time, body fluids such as blood may become stagnant. Since there is less muscle movement, blood pooling on the lower limbs will most likely develop. Depending on the extent of inactivity, clots may develop within the blood vessels, which may subsequently dislodge and lead to another serious condition called stroke.
The area where the incision is made must be monitored because infection may occur when the area is not properly cleaned. Therefore, personal hygiene is a must to avoid bacterial infections.
Nutritional deficiency
As previously mentioned, the procedure may vary from simple rerouting to the removal of a portion of the stomach. In rare cases, leaks may be observed on the affected areas. This could mean malabsorption of nutrients or vitamin deficiency which causes malnutrition.
When complications are left unmanaged, more serious conditions, or even death, can result.
Before you schedule your weight loss surgery, you must carefully consider the pros and cons or resort to a more conservative choice. Surgery is not about instant change. You need to work hard to gain your desired result.
Please visit articles on
weight loss surgery Las VegasLas Vegas Weight Loss Surgery
for more information.
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