Home Loan-Guarantor



Many banks have tightened their credit policies for providing


home loans

. The banks consider providing loans are an extremely risk, because if anything goes wrong or property market falls down they would be likely to loose the some loan amount.

Today, some of banks requires a guarantor for home loan. If the bank has enough security for the loan, then this makes them more comfortable. The guarantor is a plus point which provides a sort of security on behalf of the borrower to the bank. A guarantor is equally responsible to pay up the loan in case borrower fails to repay the loan amount or other dues to the bank. Using guarantor doesn’t mean that a loan

application will easily proceed, the guarantor is considered as a part of the loan application. If any reason bank feels that the guarantor can not make a good on debt, they will not approve the loan. The bank consider mostly guarantors income, age, credit history, etc.

The eligibility criteria for the guarantor varies between the lenders. Basically, the salaried person can be guarantor who draws the same salary as borrower and age should be the same what that of borrower. Any family member or relatives can act as guarantors for a home loan, if the bank policy permits it. To make a process, the guarantor requires to sign a guarantor’s form. This is legal agreement, the guarantor can not just walk out of the commitment during the duration of the loan. When the loan is fully repaid, the documents will be returned to the guarantor. You might asked by your friend to be guarantor for his home loan. But, you should remember that being a guarantor is always risky, because you can not guarantee the another person’s behavior, even no matter how close both you are.

Habibulla Antule is a financial advisor and consultant and have provided his expertise to many financial institutions for




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