Tell Tale Signs That You May Have A Stalker

By Richard Armen

In today’s world, the danger that a stalker presents is serious business. Although there are various steps that you can take to help limit the possibility that you may acquire a stalker, it is sometimes inevitable. There are a number of tell-tale signs that you may have a stalker. If you think someone may be stalking or following you, can consult the authorities and take action to limit the amount of danger presented by your stalker.

1) Understand the potential for stalking. Stalking is a type of intimidation and harassment that usually stems from a stalker not understanding the nature of a relationship. For example, if you’ve recently turned someone down for a date and they don’t seem to fully grasp the situation, you may be in danger. Stalking does not just include following you; often, these actions progress into much more, which is why it is so important to put an end to such behaviors quickly.

2) A potential stalker may appear at locations unannounced. These locations may include your place of work, your home, and places you stop by routinely. The appearance of such an individual may be benign. At first, you may think they’re simply running into you because they frequent the same locations. In this case, simply telling them that you do not want their presence provides a simple solution. However, if an individual still shows up unannounced it is likely that they are a stalker.


3) Unwanted gifts may show up unexpectedly. The gifts may be intimate in nature, since, for the most part, stalkers seem to feel that they have a stronger connection to their victims then is actually true. Lingerie, flowers, jewelry, photographs, and letters, among other things, may appear at your home or business.

4) Harassing phone calls, emails or text messages may also be an indication of a potential stalker. These messages may vary in nature, but a common thread is that these messages will be frequent and intimate. Occasionally stalkers will proclaim their love for an individual, but they may also proclaim their dislike for someone.

5) Your stalker may also know various things about you that they would not necessarily know from a casual or everyday conversation. If a potential stalker seems to know personal information about you, it may be a result of their delusion that they are closer to you then they actually are. Some stalkers will go to great lengths to learn all they can about their target.

6) A stalker may also threaten your friends and family. Since some stalkers may be suffering from delusions of intimacy and a general disconnect with reality, they may be mentally unstable. Even as your stalker professes his or her love for you, they may also be threatening those closest to you.

Even stalkers who start out friendly and seem harmless may turn violent and angry for no apparent reason. If you do suspect that you are being stalked, change your routine, alert friends and families so that they can help to provide a buffer zone, and consult with the authorities.

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Deciding Commercial Property Market Value}

Deciding Commercial Property Market Value


Ben NeedlesEven though we are currently in a buyers market, many land owners are looking to sell it to potential buyers. Before an individual can sell it, they must know how much to value their own property in order to attract potential buyers. Most individuals appraise property before they sell it.

Valuing commercial property is very important for an investor. If an individual values it at a price that is too high, then it can prevent the sale from taking place. If a piece of a property is valued too low then the seller will lose out on a potential profit. The best way to evaluate commercial land is by an appraisal.

There are many ways of appraising and deciding commercial property market value for a piece of property. Many owners will usually pay for one or two appraisers and compare each individuals evaluations. Most professionals appraise a piece of land by developing an opinion of the value of property. An appraisal of a land occurs because no two properties are identical and the value of all of them differs based on location. Because estimating a propertys value does not always utilize a market-based pricing mechanism, an expert appraisal of the real estate is needed.


Usually appraisals are performed by a licensed appraiser. Many times the appraiser bases his or her opinion on market assessment and the Highest and Best use of real property. An appraisal is most often reported on a standardized report form. If the appraisal is for a complex piece of property with many unusual characteristics, the appraiser will typically report their findings in a narrative report.

An appraiser will determine a cost approach, a sales comparison or salary-based approach when assessing your property. The cost approach suggests that the value of the property is equal to adding up the value of the land minus any needed improvements. This approach is usually used on newer structures and less on older structures. The sales comparison approach evaluates the price per unit area of land similar to other appraisal amounts of similar properties in the marketplace. This approach is the most objective of the three approaches and allows the appraiser very little wiggle room. The salary-based approach is used to value commercial and investment properties, because it evaluates an income stream.

Since these techniques vary greatly amongst each other, the technique used will depend on what type of asset you have. For example, appraisals of investment property such as skyscrapers may be subject to the income approach, whereas retail or office buildings may be subjected to the sales comparison approach. An apartment building may be more subjected to the sales comparison. Before you sell your property, make sure you appraise it with an expert.

About the Author (text)

Determining accurate commercial property market value is crucial in this buyer\’s market. An appropriate appraisal with expert advice is always beneficial. The KISCL program has experts in real estate dealings who will guide you throughout the process. To know more, visit

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Multiple Streams Of Income : Always A Beneficial Concept?

By Dele Ojewumi

With due apology to Robert G. Allen, i submit right from the outset of this article that multiple streams of income is not necessarily always a beneficial concept. I will advance my reasons as we progress in this article.

The rationale for advancing the multiple streams of income cause is clear. It is to ensure that each additional income stream serves as a backup for the other in case of any crisis resulting to any of the income streams. Laudable as it is however, it has its own drawbacks in certain circumstances.

Let it be known that multiple streams of income is a desirable goal to achieve in the ultimate analysis but my submission is that it is not necessarily a desirable objective at certain stages of progression of an individual. In fact, it has been a source of downfall to many who attempt it when they should not.

Using internet marketing as a case study, my advise is that when you are just delving into internet marketing, you identify a FREE or low cost business opportunity to enroll in while more emphasis should be on acquiring the necessary skills needed through internet marketing training.


This enables your full concentration on your training and especially if you have limited financial resources, ensures you are able to cope with the financial demands of such top affiliate program that you choose initially, since sooner or later, you will need to upgrade, buy products and/or spend on adverts in such a program. No program is really FREE for ever if you want to make reasonable progress.

The only scenario where i will advocate multiple streams of income even at the early stage for a newbie internet marketer is where all the business opportunities involved are truly FREE, with no hidden costs. All advertising expenses can then be concentrated on marketing a central website containing these individual business opportunities.

I say the above from personal experience and from the backdrop of tales of woe i hear from many newbie internet marketers lamenting “multiple streams of expenses” resulting from their attempt to apply this principle/concept of multiple streams of income. Can you beat this, someone trying to get out of debt or eek out a living and turning to internet marketing as his last hope, only to loose all his remaining savings. A word should be enough for the wise.

The reason for the above is very simple. The learning curve for internet marketing is very steep and during the learning phase, you are unlikely to generate significant income. As a result, you should be careful to match your expenses with your income at the worst. Any attempt to do otherwise will make you worse-off.

As you now begin to make profit(not income) from the initial single business opportunity, you can begin to plough this back into your internet business in general by taking on other additional business opportunities in phases until you ultimately attain thorough diversification and the desirable multiple streams of income.

TIMING is the key to benefiting from multiple streams of income.

About the Author: Dele Ojewumi is an Internet Marketer, Chartered Accountant and Economist. He is the webmaster of

Profitable Business Ideas

and advocates

Strong Future International

as a good start-up online business for any newbie internet marketer.


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