Submitted by: Ryan Pitts

Popular for their long droopy faces and long bodies, they are also popular for their submissive and non-aggressive nature. Though they are quite calm and gentle dogs, sometimes they act as if they hadn t heard anything. They are so moody and lazy that completing or obeying your commands depends on her mood. As they are scent hounds, they follow their smelling instincts and that interest her more than any kind of training.

If you look at basset hounds, then you can see the laziness around her face too. The only thing that they actively do is following the scents. The other times, when they are not following scents, you can find them relaxing somewhere in the sun. They don t like any kind of training or exercise. So, you need to motivate them to enjoy in the training sessions and you should also involve them in regular exercise.

The problem with most of the basset hounds is that they put on too much weight due to their lazy nature. So, to prevent them to become an obese, you should take them for the walks and give them toys to play so that they don t just eat, rest and put on weight. With good training, your basset hound becomes healthy and active as well.


Follow these 3 tips to train your basset hound effectively:

1. As basset hounds are generally non-aggressive dogs, they don t bark most of the times. Even when a guest or stranger comes to your home, they don t bark. This is somewhat a good habit but if you want to make your basset hound a good guard dog, then it s totally bad. So, you must encourage your basset hound to bark when someone enters your home and if you find that she is barking at stranger, then you should praise her by giving rewards or treats. It will motivate her to bark often as she becomes alert when someone approaches towards your home.

2. Basset hounds have quite elongated body length due to their odd type of bone structure. They are prone to high risk if they are allowed to jump from the furniture or the bed. Also, if you take them for long walks, it might increase the risk of developing spinal disc problems. So, to prevent these kinds of things, you should stop such behaviors from their puppyhood or say as early as possible.

3. Basset hounds have long pendulum shaped ears due to which air cannot reach their ear canal. Without air, the ear canals get moist and dark and it creates the ear infections. So, the basset hounds are highly prone to ear infections and some preventive measures is required to prevent this. For solution of this problem, you may touch your basset hound ear often so that she gets accustomed to have them manipulated. You can also clean her ear at least once a week whenever you get time. By cleaning her ears from the early period won t make it difficult for you to do it in the future days. So, you should start the training and all other important activities from the day you bring your basset hound home.

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Basset Hound Training

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